Many of us don't have the luxury of a neighborhood gym to help us in our healthy weight loss programs. Many others don't have the time to go out, due to various reasons that could include the care of newborn, household responsibilities. etc. But, that is no reason that you can't exercise for weight loss in the comfort of your home, at your own convenience and will. This article talks about the five easy ways to burn those calories, all in the comfort of your four walls. So, get started with your healthy weight loss program from home.
1. Skipping Rope: All you need is a skipping rope and some good shoes. You can start with as little as you can manage, and then slowly take the number of jumps up. The second step would be to start jumping faster, i.e. more jumps within the same time frame. Make sure you skip in an area that doesn't give your downstairs neighbors reason for complaint.
2. Running in Spot/Treadmill: You can invest in a treadmill or just jog vigorously in one spot. While this is an easy cardio workout for healthy weight loss, it's always better to do it in the open. Jogging in one spot alone can be extremely boring and tire you out much faster than if you were outside in a park.
3. Stationary Bike: This will cost money, but is a great investment, similar to the treadmill, if you are alright with spending thirty minutes in one spot. Try turning on the television, or put on headphones to help you increase your workout time. Alternatively, if you have stairs in your home, try climbing them for healthy weight loss that doesn't cost you anything.
4. Ashtanga Yoga: Yoga, again, requires nothing except a floor mat and some peace and quiet. Depending on how intensive the moves are, it can be one of the most intensive cardio workouts you can get at home. It is also supposed to be extremely relaxing and de-stressing. Yoga gives the body greater flexibility and grace over a period of time. Morning is a good time to do yoga, though you can choose any time of the day when you are not going to be disturbed. Invite over a friend or ask your child to do yoga with you to make it fun and interesting.
5. Free Hand Exercises: There are hundreds of different moves that exercise different parts of your body for weight loss and fitness. To get started you can invest in a home workout DVD that you can play while you follow the moves. You can do these exercises before and after your more intensive workouts, since they also serve to warm you up or cool you down, as required. There are specific exercises that target specific problem areas, like your thighs or upper arms that you can spend more time on, depending on your requirements. The best part is that, once you learn these moves, you no longer are dependent upon any gym or instructor to help with your healthy weight loss goals.
Brilliant article :)